Digital nettverksmingel for samiske scenekunstaktører

Vi er opptatt av å styrke det samiske scenekunstmiljøet og derfor inviterer vi, sammen med Samerådet, til digital nettverksmøte 14. mars for scenekunstnere og organisasjoner fra Sápmi. Sammen skal vi forme fremtiden for samisk scenekunst.

(SÁ - ENG)


Digitála fierpmádathuksemii Sámi lávdedáiddáriidda - Digital network meeting for Sámi performing artists!

PAHN ja Sámiráđđi leat ilus bovdet digitála fierpmádathuksemii Sámi lávdedáiddáriidda ja lávdedáiddár serviide miehta Sámi. Dát dáhpus adda buori vejolašvuođa oahpásnuvvat, juohkit dieđu ja suokkardit movt mii ovttas sáhttit nannet lávdedáidaga Sámis ja internašunála dásis.

Goas: Njukčamánu 14. beaivvi

Dii: 10:00- 12:00 (NO/RUO) / 11-13:00 (SUO)

Ulbmil dáhpahusain lea láhččit rabas ja kontstruktiiva ságastallamii gos sáhttit juohkit vásahusaid, jurdafiid ja hástalusaid. Buot oasalasttit ožžot vejolašvuođa iežaset ovdanbuktit ja maŋŋel dan čuovvu ságastallan man jođiheaba Christina Hætta Sámiráđi kulturoosdag abealis ja Hege Knarvik Sande gii lea direktevra PAHN, Performing Arts Hub Norway.

Moai sávve dus lea vejolašvuohta searvat ja illduetne dutnje deaivvadit ja ovttas hábmet searvat Sámi lávdedáidaga boahtteáiggib hábmemii.

Dieđit iežat Christina Hættai dahje Hege Knarvik Sande

PAHN and The Saami Council are pleased to invite you to a digital networking event for Sámi performing arts actors and performing arts organizations throughout Sápmi. This event will be a unique opportunity to make contacts, share knowledge, and explore how we together can strengthen the performing arts in Sápmi and internationally.

When: 14 March, 10.00 - 12.00 (NO/SWE) / 11.00-13.00 (FIN)

The purpose of the event is to facilitate an open and constructive conversation, where we can share experiences, ideas, and challenges. All participants will have the opportunity to introduce themselves, followed by a conversation led by Christina Hætta, head of The Saami Council's cultural unit, and Hege Knarvik Sande, director of PAHN, Performing Arts Hub Norway.

We hope you have the opportunity to participate, and look forward to meeting you and together contributing to shaping the future of Sami performing arts.

Let us know if you want to participate to either Christina Hætta: or to Hege Knarvik Sande

Foto: Knut Utler, Hidden Path av Ulv&Ugle